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Omam Water


Is a well-known for digestive aid, thymol, aids the release of gastric juices thus accelerating the process of digestion, accelerates the rate of metabolism and dissolves fat thus resulting in weight loss, supports digestion and reduces gastrointestinal troubles.

It also greases the digestive system and smoothens bowel movements, washing off the eyes helps to keep them clean and gifts you a clearer vision, helps in eradicating harmful toxins from the body. It purifies the blood and improves the blood circulation in the body which results in cleaner skin and a good remedy for cough and cold. It is very effective in removing mucus, opening up nasal blocks and provides instant relief for cold and cough. It is also a great remedy for bronchitis and asthma.

Weight N/A

100 ML, 200 ML, 500 ML


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